Feb. 9, 2025 (12:00 - 4:00)
Feb. 16, 2025 (12:00 - 4:00)
Feb. 23, 2025 (12:00 - 4:00)
Black Belt Prep Classes are not required in order to test, but highly recommended.
Black Belt Prep Classes are offered at Fire Dragon, but are not part of any membership. As such we have certain expectations for those attending.
Black Belt Prep classes are for technique refinement. As such Students who attended Black Belt Prep must, at a minimum, have memorized all patterns up to their belt level or they will not be allowed to participate in Black Belt Prep.
Student’s not willing to work hard will be sent home.
Note: If less than 3 students show up then the practice may be cancelled. All students attending will assist in cleaning the dojang after practice.
Mandatory “PRE TEST” for all Black Belt Test Candidates
Students must pass this pretest in order to be allowed to Black Belt test.
(Test will be based on the students knowledge of every Poomsae from Taegeuk 1 up to the Poomsae required Poomsae for their Level)
Students must be able to demonstrate proper set points, execution and end points for all techniques, proper stances, appropriate speed and power as well as rhythm and tempo of each poomsae . No exceptions.
PRE TEST CANDIDATES MUST (Schedule your Pre Test)
Students must schedule a Pre Test, prior to TBA.
Part 1 – Overnight Private Testing
All candidates arrive by 4:55 p.m. (regardless of age)
Student Pickup: Sat. at 8:00 a.m.
Students will not be allowed any solid food and they may only drink water or sport drinks during the above time. Exceptions will be made for students with certain medical conditions. No Spectators allowed.
Part 2 – Formal Public Testing
Students testing for their Black Belt, must arrive at the Dojang by 12:30 p.m.
Guests wishing to watch the formal part of the Black Belt Testing may arrive at the Dojang at 1:30 p.m. (Doors open at 1:30)
Formal Testing begins at 2:00 p.m. After the testing Students and their Parents or Spouses are invited to the Black Belt Dinner.
Confirm Black Belt application spelling & Date of Birth and Pay testing fee of
$500.00 for 1stDan or Poom
$600.00 for 2ndDan or Poom
$700.00 for 3rdDan or Poom
Note: Some students Test Fees are included in their membership. Please pay by cash.
Black Stripes, you must create a TCON Profile, and give Master Pellerin your TCON ID, TCON Password, TCON EMAIL at:;jsessionid=ADBCBA8C122A6207E5D235DEFD67F11B.apache-tomcat-eng
Parents or spouses of Black Belt candidates may bring a gift for the Black Belt candidate to open at the formal testing.
Continue to practice and stretch every day until the testing and attend as many classes as possible!
Make sure to bring an extra uniform or a change of workout clothes also apair of running shoes, a towel and plenty of water or sport drinks.
Some old memberships may include the cost of Black Belt Testing’s.Ask, Master Pellerin, about pricing if you are unsure.
Fire Dragon “Club Only” Black Belt certificates will be awarded to all students that pass their black belt test.Only students receiving a high enough score and having passed their fitness requirements will be receiving, International “Kukkiwon” Black Belt Certification.
PRICING (Cash Only)
1st Dan/Poom Test Fee $500
2nd Dan/Poom Test Fee $600
3rd Dan/Poom Test Fee $700
4th Dan/Poom Test Fee $800
5th Dan Test Fee $1100
(20% discount when purchasing 5 or more hours)
$90.00/hr with 2nd & 3rd Dan Instructors
$199.00/hr with Master Annie
$249.00/hr with Master Pellerin
Fees: If you originally Joined Prior to Nov. 2017, or after Aug 1, 2023
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